5.5 Chaos

Season Five

This season I go back to my roots, and share some stories recorded in-studio. You’ll get one story per episode, along with a return of Paul’s Picks, where I share something I’ve been reading, watching, or listening to.

The Story

It was one of those times where I just started walking and kept walking. I am The Walking Man, after all. There’s never a goal in mind, but I always seem to arrive exactly where I supposed to be.

Paul’s Pick

Outside of David Sedaris, Stewart Lee has been the biggest influence on me as a performer. Simply put: he’s brilliant. Sometimes he’s almost too smart for his own good. I first heard him on Marc Maron’s podcast years ago, and quickly devoured all of his standup comedy shows. Sometimes you don’t know where he’s going, and he even seems not to know, but every story is a journey to a place I never imaged. This long story - tell it to me straight like a pear cider made out of 100% pears - is classic Lee and my absolute favourite. Check out his book, How I Escaped My Certain Fate, where he breaks down his shows. Fascinating stuff.

Podcast Partners

The live monthly event Stories We Don’t Tell has been my storytelling home for almost five years. To learn more, visit the website at storieswedonttell.org. The theme music is by singer/songwriter Arlene Paculan, check her out at officialarlene.com.

Listen and/or Read

Read a transcript of this episode on my blog. Listen to the episode with the player below.

Paul Dore5. Season Five