10.38 We Made a Book

Here’s the thing, I’m terrible at telling people about things. Sure, I post blogs almost every week and send them into the ether, I’m working away and putting stuff out all the time, and I really have a blast doing it. Maybe that’s the problem? I’m having way too much fun doing the work, that I forget to actually tell about stuff. Like, actually getting stuff out there with actual marketing and so on. Which is kind of funny since I’ve somewhat worked tangentially in that area. Let’s just say I’m comfortable and know what to do with other people’s stories, but my own? I just assume people know without me having to tell them.

But, let me tell you - I am having a good time. I really get a kick out of making stuff up. Working with other people, firing off ideas, bringing them to life, painting myself into a corner, and having to creatively figure a way out. And when it comes to planning something out, I never - I repeat - never, feel more alive than when a plan comes together. What is more satisfying than having tight deadlines, I mean really tight but set up that way, and the only thing that has to occur is for everything to happen each step of the way? The only better thing is when it actually plays out exactly as you planned it.

I guess you could say I have a warped sense of fun.

What I'm trying to get to is the Stories We Don't Tell Book. This was on one of those tight deadlines. Self-imposed, of course. But once I plunked down the proof of the print book in front of my colleague and collaborator, Stefan Hostetter, I actually breathed a sense of relief and accomplishment for a few minutes. After all, we coordinated with almost fifty people, designers, editors, and others to turn the book around in four months. That's not bad. After those few minutes of feeling accomplished, I got right back to worrying about the book launch.

I should tell you about the book before going any further. September 2019 marks the fifth year of Stories We Don't Tell, a monthly storytelling event that takes place in different houses and apartments across Toronto. To celebrate five years, we decided to publish an anthology of stories that were all performed at the event. I must say, as we put the book together, it started resembling a puzzle, one where each piece was equally important, but fit together, making a larger impact.

I think I'm going to wait a bit to write about this fully in an emotional capacity. There's a lot going on, and since my brain is like an old computer, it takes some time to process things. All I’d like to say for now is that last week we had a party for all of the contributors. Usually, when you’re writing a book, you’re on your own. It’s really quite a unique experience to be able to go on this publishing journey with 48 other people. For now, I'd like to tell you about all the exciting stuff happening - hope to see you at one of these!

In addition to the live event, there's also a Stories We Don't Tell Podcast. I know, everyone has a podcast nowadays. Even my pet fish is going to start one soon. We really try to add value to our show, as well as be entertaining. The podcast features stories from the event, and also some tips and tricks about storytelling that we've learned along the way. In our latest episode, we go behind-the-scenes into how we actually pulled off publishing the book in four months. My co-host Stefan even gets me to talk about sports - no small feat. Click on the image below to listen.


If you're more of a reader, we put together a companion article to go with the podcast episode. Again, we dive behind-the-scenes and write about how publishing a book really is all about discipline, a solid plan, and being open to collaboration. This one has no sports. Click on the image below to read.


If you're more of a 'see things in person' kind of person, our first event of the season and the fifth-anniversary show is on Saturday, September 28, 2019. It's free and it's being held at our favourite place - a longstanding collaborator who welcomes us into their home twice a year for our little event. Click on the image below to RSVP.


Really, I strongly suggest you come to this if you live in Toronto. Like, with what we're putting together, I'd want to come see this show. It's going to be super fun and wild and be a multi-media and storytelling extravaganza. This is a ticketed event with two kinds of tickets - general admission and a special ticket that gets you a book when you sign in at the event. Click on the image below to get your tickets.

Paul Dore