4.1 Dreams of Being a Kiwi

Season Four

This season of Storytime with Paul Dore is being released in two different sections. The first six episodes will be audio excerpts from my new novel, Dreams of Being a Kiwi. Since the novel deals with themes involving mental health issues, the second part of the season will be conversations about this topic with various experts and interesting people.

The Story

The hero of Dreams of Being a Kiwi hit rock bottom long ago. Suffering from a debilitating mental illness, he finds himself tucked away in a hospital. Despair kicks in and he sees no way out of the darkness. Then a kiwi comes along and brings hope into his existence. He soon fills his days and nights with dreams of travelling across the world to a new and peaceful life. Dreams are different from reality. He can only plan his plane tickets, ferry rides, and cross-country trips so far. When he finally takes the leap towards his goal, he finds adventure, love, and battles with the greatest foe of all: himself. This episode introduces the main character of the book and follows him as he travels halfway across the world.

Podcast Partners

The theme music is by singer/songwriter Arlene Paculan, check her out at officialarlene.com.

Read and Listen

Read a transcript of this episode on my blog. Listen to the episode with the player below and subscribe via iTunes.