8.22 Nightrider

One of my favorite things to do is ride my bike at night. It’s cooler and the roads aren’t as busy. I started nightriding through downtown on the various bike lanes connecting the city. This wasn’t enough. I learned the thrill of being in places that I shouldn’t be. So, I started finding paths in areas of the city that were closed or just pitch dark.

A few weeks ago, I had a meeting out near the Beaches, which is on the complete other side of the city from me. I was excited because I never rode from the beaches in the dark. Streets and paths become completely different places at night.

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Paul Dore
8.21 Alpha Dogs

There’s a phenomenon happening in our progressive society. Alpha males are realizing that being aggressive and generally terrible is becoming less and less tolerant in our society. But a new persona has emerged which I usually call the Alpha Feminist. On the one hand, I think it’s great that a man being a feminist is becoming more mainstream. On the other hand, I’ve noticed some people using this as a way to mask their behaviour and ideals without actually changing them.

First, to all the alpha males out there: relax, guys. It’s okay, not everything anyone says is directly challenging your masculinity. It’s not all about you. Your masculinity is firmly intact.

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Paul Dore
8.20 The Dunk Tank

For the past few months, I have been trying to eat better. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be that person, the one who just because he is leaning towards maybe potentially becoming vegetarian that he has to tell you and everyone he knows about it.

I’m also exercising more, but I’m not looking to get huge or anything like that. I’m more focused on things like agility, long distance running, swimming, flexibility, cardio - skills that might be needed in the ongoing political turmoil in the United States.

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Paul Dore
8.19 Personal Space

I’ve taken a lot of trains. Generally, traveling by train is quite pleasant. Especially since they started assigning seats. I’m old enough to remember that when you bought a train ticket, it was only a boarding pass. We’d all line up at the gate and once they opened it, it was the wild west. I mean, everyone has a ticket, so in theory, everyone has a seat. Still, people ran to the train - pushed old ladies out of the way, elbowed little kids - just to get a good seat. But, really, isn’t pretty much every seat on a train a good seat, more or less? Even though your boarding pass now comes with a seat, your seat and no one else’s, people still line up at the gate. We like to line up, people in general.


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Paul Dore